
Shape and Tone Outer Thighs: Perfect Booty Lifter – Get Ready to See Jaws Drop..



Move your body every morning for a better and improved outer thighs!

Sumo Jump Squats

To accompany the close squat, the sumo squat variation helps you hit the insides of your legs more.

  1. Stand with your feet wide enough so that they point outwards at a 45 degree angle. Make sure your spine is in a straight, neutral position. Make sure your weight is through your heels.
  2. Squeeze your leg and core muscles as you lower your body downwards, use your hands for balance if needed. Lower yourself until your butt is an inch or two off the ground. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Explosively squeeze your leg and core muscles to raise yourself up into a jump. Landing softly before slowly moving into your second squat. This is one rep.

On Side Hip Raises

This is a great way to use your bodyweight to really work your obliques.

  1. From side plank position, making sure your elbow is directly underneath your shoulder, lower your body until your hips touch the ground. You can have your feet scissored (as shown) or on top of each other.
  2. Tense your obliques (side abs) to raise your body back up to a proper side plank position, with your neck and spine in a neutral position.

High Knees

High knees give you the benefit of sprinting without the space requirements. They’re simple to do, just sprint on the spot, driving your knees and your hands upwards alternatively.

On Side Leg Crossovers

  1. Lie on your side with your hands in front of you and your legs extended on the floor.
  2. Keeping your core tensed, raised your legs off the floor.
  3. Keep your legs extended and elevated and move them up and down, crossing them over as shown. Each crossover is one rep.

Forward Lunge With Twist

Twisting with your lunges is a great way to hit your obliques, giving your great leg workout an added abs component.

  1. Placing your hands at the side of your head, lunge down in a standard forward lunge.
  2. As you lunge, also engage your obliques to turn your torso to one side. Squeezing them for 2-3 seconds at the bottom of your lunge. This is one rep.
  3. Repeat on the other side.

Donkey Kicks

  1. Start on your hands and knees. Have your hands directly below your shoulders.
  2. Squeeze your glute, kicking one leg backwards towards the sky with your knee bent, squeezing at the top for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Slowly return the leg until you’re on both knees. This is one rep.
  4. Repeat for the other leg.


Jogging or running is a popular form of physical activity. About one in five Australians try running (or jogging) at some stage in their life. Running is an appealing exercise because it doesn’t cost a lot to take part and you can run at any time that suits you.

Glute Bridge to Leg Raise

This variation of the glute bridge helps remove some stability whilst working your legs.

  1. Perform a standard glute bridge.
  2. At the top of the glute bridge, tense your hip flexors and abs, bringing one knee up until it’s directly above you.
  3. Return your leg slowly back down to the ground. This is one rep.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

Lunge Jumps

Jumping lunges are another great variation to work on some explosive strength and variety!

  1. Stand with your feet hip width apart. Place your hands on your hips.
  2. Step forward with one leg, lowering down on the other until your knee almost touches the floor. Your front foot should be directly below your knee.
  3. Push up explosively off of your front foot, trusting your knee upwards and pushing upwards off your back leg to jump into the air.
  4. Whilst in the air, swap your legs over so you land into a lunge on your other foot.
  5. Repeat with the other leg.

Leg Extension

Leg extensions are a great way to hit your lower ab muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor or on a bench with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Place your hands out in front of you and slowly lean backwards. Find the balance point where it’s hard to hold your legs out and you’re not falling over.
  3. Tense your abs as you pull your legs in towards you. You can hold your knees a little for stability if you need.
  4. Push your legs back out again to complete one rep.


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