
Full Body Tone and Strengthen: Bodyweight Home Workout to Melt Fat and Build Toned Muscle


Give time for your body through these full force exercises!

High Knees

High knees give you the benefit of sprinting without the space requirements. They’re simple to do, just sprint on the spot, driving your knees and your hands upwards alternatively.

Squat Jumps

This is a great power variation of the squat. You still lower yourself down slowly, but explode upwards from the bottom of the squat. As you land, try to slow your momentum so you’re working your muscles on the way down as well.

Sumo Bodyweight Jump Squats

To accompany the close squat, the sumo squat variation helps you hit the insides of your legs more.

  1. Stand with your feet wide enough so that they point outwards at a 45 degree angle. Make sure your spine is in a straight, neutral position. Make sure your weight is through your heels.
  2. Squeeze your leg and core muscles as you lower your body downwards, use your hands for balance if needed. Lower yourself until your butt is an inch or two off the ground. Hold for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Explosively squeeze your leg and core muscles to raise yourself up into a jump. Landing softly before slowly moving into your second squat. This is one rep.

High Donkey Kicks

Try this variation of the donkey kick to increase the difficulty, add resistance for your glutes and work your shoulders.

  1. Start on your hands and the balls of your feet, with your legs stretched out behind you and your back slightly rounded. Have your hands directly below your shoulders.
  2. Squeeze your glute, kicking one leg backwards towards the sky with your leg straight, squeezing at the top for 2-3 seconds.
  3. At the same time, push with your hands to push your body back with your leg.
  4. Slowly return the leg until you’re on the balls of both feet, and pull your arms until your shoulders are over your hands again. This is one rep.
  5. Repeat for the other leg.

Mountain Climbers

  1. Hold yourself in a high plank position, squeezing your core.
  2. Raise your knee towards your elbows without changing your hip height or spine position, bringing your leg forward with it.
  3. Fire your leg back into its original position. This is one rep.
  4. Repeat rapidly with the other leg.

Single Leg Row

These throw in a lot of instability, making them a great way to challenge yourself whilst still requiring no equipment.

  1. Stand with your knees slightly bent.
  2. Raise one foot slightly off the ground, keeping the slight bend in your other knee.
  3. Bend from your hips, lowering your torso as far forward as you can. As you bend over, raise your other hands out above your head, or to your side for balance.
  4. Squeeze your glute, raising your other leg back behind you. Squeezing for 2-3 seconds.
  5. Slowly lower your leg and raise your torso until you’re in your starting position. This is one rep.
  6. Repeat for the other leg.

Standing Calf Raises

A plie foot placement method can be used for a number of different exercises, as it helps to work the different muscles of the calves.

The calf muscles have a multitude of movements and as such you should aim to perform calf raises in a both a normal – plie and inverted exercise format.

Point your toes out to the side at about 45 degrees, smoothly raise your heels off the ground, holding in the upper phase for 2 – 3 seconds, prior to returning your heels towards the ground.

Focus on keeping your foot straight throughout the movement, avoid any twisting movements.

This method can be used to work either one foot – both feet – or even a combination of one foot normal (facing forward) one foot Plie.

Stretch and Warm Up before you commence any exercise and aim to finish with some good stretching to let your body and mind recover.

Touch Ground Star Jump

Add some variety to your workout with these combined movements.

  1. Start with your feet together, standing up straight, hands by your side.
  2. Jump your feet outwards, squatting down to touch the ground with one arm.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and push through your heels to explode upwards into a star jump with your legs and arms splayed outwards.
  4. Land with soft knees to avoid injury. This is one rep.
  5. Repeat this touching the ground with your other hand.


Burpees are a tried and tested killer endurance combo.

  1. Stand standing in a neutral position.
  2. Squat downwards, placing your hands on the ground, shoulder width apart.
  3. Shoot your legs backwards into a high plank position.
  4. (Optional) perform a pushup from the high plank position.
  5. Squat upwards explosively, jumping into the air with your hands above your head.
  6. Land with soft knees to avoid injury. This is one rep.

Forward Lunge With Twist

Twisting with your lunges is a great way to hit your obliques, giving your great leg workout an added abs component.

  1. Placing your hands at the side of your head, lunge down in a standard forward lunge.
  2. As you lunge, also engage your obliques to turn your torso to one side. Squeezing them for 2-3 seconds at the bottom of your lunge. This is one rep.
  3. Repeat on the other side.



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